Async functions always return a promise - Lets deep into the Async world

Async functions are a way to make the asynchrounous operation synchronously by awaiting for the resopnse. Lets see it in the example straight away,

// Normal async function - Returning promise
const getCats = async () => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
      () =>
            name: 'tiger',
            name: 'jimmy',

// Self invoking async function
;(async () => {
  console.log(getCats()) // Promise { <pending> }
  const cats = await getCats()
  console.log(cats) // [ { name: 'tiger' }, { name: 'jimmy' } ]

As you can see, we are returning a promise in our example.

Now lets see the next example by returning direct JSON array,

// async function - Returning JSON
const getCatsJson = async () => {
  return [
      name: 'tiger',
      name: 'jimmy',

// Self invoking async function
;(async () => {
  console.log(getCatsJson()) // Promise { [ { name: 'tiger' }, { name: 'jimmy' } ] }
  const catsJson = await getCatsJson()
  console.log(catsJson) // [ { name: 'tiger' }, { name: 'jimmy' } ]

As you can check the console log, even though we returned a JSON object from the async function. It was wrapped as a promise. So we still need to await and resolve the promise.

You can always resolve the async without await using promise way,

getCatsJson().then(console.log) // [ { name: 'tiger' }, { name: 'jimmy' } ]

You can check the examples here,

Hope, this helps you to understand how async returns the value by wrapping it as a Promise 😋

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