Blog posts (Archived)

Mostly about React, React Router, Javascript and more. It is a bit outdated but I keep it here for reference. For my new content, please checkout my visual eBooks.

Beginners to ProNode Js

Visual Guide to API Design Best Practices

This visual eBook covers essential best practices for designing robust APIs using REST principles.

This book is ideal for beginners and backend developers seeking to enhance their API design skills. However, it is not suited for those seeking an in-depth exploration of API design. This book is a quick read under 40 slides like scrolling through your instagram feed.

Visual Guide to API Design Best Practices

Get all files in a folder using Node Js

To get all files in a folder and its sub-folders recursively using Node.js, you can use the fs.readdirSync() method in the fs module.

Full stack developer is the most misunderstood word in tech

Full-stack developers/engineers are the most misunderstood term in the tech world. But for the last decade, they are more in demand in the startup world. Lets see it from a full-stack developer perspective.

Do you know spread operator in Javascript object is mutable?

Spread operator becomes the defacto solution for creating immutable object in javascript. But make sure to have the caution, spread operator does mutate objects in specific cases. We will see it briefly.

Rename variables while destructuring

Destructuring is a great feature and has many use cases. Today, we will see how to rename a variable while destructuring and some use cases for it.

Default values while Destructuring in JavaScript

Destructuring object or array are great features in es6. There are several use cases for it. In this article, we will learn how to set default values while destructuring.

How to sync props to state properly in React Hooks

It is easy to pass props to state in react hooks, but do you know how to sync props changes to state changes after initialization. It is also easy, lets see that in this article.

Redirect routes in react router

Redirecting a page based on some condition is an usual need in a react web application. React router provides an easy way to achieve it. Lets learn how to do that in this article.

Heart beat animation using CSS

Learn how to CSS animations on a element using keyframes and animation property. Here, we learn how to create a heart beat animation using CSS3

How to draw a heart using CSS3

We can learn how to use border radius and transform property to draw a Heart shape using CSS

Maintaining centralized documentation using Docusaurus

Documentation is always a headache for engineering teams. Once engineering teams start growing, its very difficult to on-board engineers. Docusaurus was a react based documentation tool created by facebook to centralize your documentation.

Different ways to communicate better in teams

When your team grow, the biggest pain will be collaboration. It should be solved as a company culture, else it can become a big mess for productivity. Learn some tips to overcome those issues and communicate better in teams

How to solve Git issues on renaming files and folder

Many of you might got nightmares due to file rename issues in git. Recently I encountered one issue, everything works locally but repeatedly my circle CI throwing error as file not found while transpilling JSX file. Then I figured out the mystery.

Dynamic pages in react router

Learn how to create dynamic URLs in react application using react router package

Different types of routers in react router

There are several types of router supported by react router package. We will see the use cases for each types briefly in this article.

Basic routing in React using React Router

Learn how to do routing in React applications using React router library. React is widely used library for client side web applications. In any web applications, there will be multiple pages. Routing the URL properly and load different pages based on route parameters is a general requirement.

Background image with gradient overlay in CSS

Understanding how to create background image with gradient overlay using CSS3. Support for gradient colors have improved in recent years, more and more website start using gradient as background for header, cards, etc

Gradient text style using CSS

Gradient backgrounds started the trend, nowadays websites have more gradient colors for many elements after gradient become widely supported on modern browsers. In this article, we will learn how to do gradient text style using CSS3.

Vanilla JS equivalent for jQuery Ready

Document ready function is widely used feature from jQuery. With growing trends in modern web development and much better browser support for vanilla JS APIs, We can replace or reduce jQuery dependency easily.

Tried out Netlify CMS with my Gatsby blog

Yesterday I was looking for open source alternates to contentful CMS. I found one called netlify CMS. It might not be a direct alternate, but for small projects, netlify CMS will do.