Codepen - Learn flutter basics from simple IMDB UI

I really like the simplicity of this pen. It allows you to learn the basics in no time.

If you are interested in exploring flutter and dart without installing anything. Try this codepen.

You will learn how to create,

  • a basic flutter UI with local data
  • it touches a bit of transition animation between pages

The beauty of flutter is, you can compile and use it as web application. You can reuse as much as possible.

For most basic mobile apps that doesn't use any mobile specific API, compiled web UI from flutter work without any custom code.

Beginners to ProNode Js

Visual Guide to API Design Best Practices

This visual eBook covers essential best practices for designing robust APIs using REST principles.

This book is ideal for beginners and backend developers seeking to enhance their API design skills. However, it is not suited for those seeking an in-depth exploration of API design. This book is a quick read under 40 slides like scrolling through your instagram feed.

Visual Guide to API Design Best Practices