Dynamic import of multiple modules using require.context in node Js

Consider you want to import all the SQL files from a directory and execute them in your node js application. You can do it using require.context in node js.

// require.context to import dynamically all the SQL files from a directory
const sqlFilesContext = require.context('./sql', false, /\.sql$/)

const sqlFiles = sqlFilesContext.keys().forEach((key) => {
  const sqlFilePath = `./sql/${key}`
  console.log(`Importing SQL file: ${sqlFilePath}`)

  // You can add your logic here to execute the SQL file

Why not use fs module?

You can also do the same thing using fs module in node js.

// fs module to import dynamically all the SQL files from a directory
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')

const sqlFiles = fs
  .readdirSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './sql'))
  .forEach((sqlFile) => {
    const sqlFilePath = `./sql/${sqlFile}`
    console.log(`Importing SQL file: ${sqlFilePath}`)

    // You can add your logic here to execute the SQL file

But require.context is more convenient and easy to use,

  • It allows you to import multiple modules from a directory dynamically.
  • It allows you to filter the modules to be imported using a regular expression.
  • It allows you to import modules from a directory recursively.

Hope you learned some tricks on Node Js using require.context. Please share with your friends if you find it useful 🙌

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